01 Title of the film should be of a feature film only, of any Country.
02 The title is to be created/designed behind the space of FILM TITLE CONTEST FORM only.
03 All the information should be true and correct.
04 Colors to be used should be Poster Color/ Water Color/ Oil Color/ Sketch Color/ Wax Color only. The designs/title will be a part of exhibition post festival.
05 Handmade Title only is eligible. Computerized or graphic made designs and sheets are not eligible.
06 The winners will be awarded during Award Ceremony. The certificates of participants will be sent to the participant or the institute.
07 If the winner is unable to attend the festival, the Contest organizers will post/ courier the Certificate of Excellence/ Memento to the Institution/ personal address. In case of cash awards, the winning amount will be deposited to the bank account of institution/ participant.
08 The design is to be recreated on the form provided by us. Film Title Contest form and sheet can be downloaded from official website www.ciff.co.in also.
09 If there are 100 plus entries from an institute, Certificate and memento will be awarded to the institute.
10 The sheet should be sent via post/ courier or deposit personally at following address:
11 The entry fees is Rs. 50/- only. (Paytm/ GooglePay/ Phone Pe in favor of 9636946350 - Shubham Infotech/ Chetan Sharma)
12 The cash prizes are up to Rs. 2,00,000.
How To Participate:
Create the design on the back side.
Albert Einstein Society Campus, Near Major Dhyanchand Stadium, Basant Vihar, Kota (Rajasthan) INDIA Pin - 324009
Contact: +919820158085